Bestdealer Consultation in The Field of Procurement of Goods and Services


  • A purchase and sale agreement, also called a sales and purchase agreement or a purchase and sales contract, is a legally binding document that parties in a transaction use to stipulate the terms and conditions that will guide the sale and transfer of goods or property.
  • A key thing about a purchase and sale agreement is that it does not transfer the property or goods that the parties are negotiating. What it does is create an obligation for the seller to sell, and an obligation for the buyer to buy.
  • Transactions that use purchase and sale agreements, such as real estate transactions, are complex transactions that may span into weeks and involve lots of processes and stages. These agreements provides a clear roadmap so parties know what they can expect at each point.
  • A purchase and sale agreement is not the same as a purchase agreement. A purchase agreement is the final document used to transfer a property from the seller to the buyer, while a purchase and sale agreement specifies the terms of the transaction. Parties will sign a purchase agreement after both parties have complied with the terms of the purchase and sale agreement.
  • A purchase and sale agreement is also not a purchase order. A purchase order is a document that contains a list of supplies or products a buyer wants to buy from a seller.


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